Preview Projects

Programmer illustration


Unit conversion application, including centimeters, meters, kilometers, and miles, developed in Kotlin, where I revisited concepts of polymorphism, encapsulation, inheritance, and abstraction, ensuring efficient and well-structured code.

KotlinJetpack Compose
Programmer illustration

Digital Catalog

The prototype of a sustainable digital solution to replace printed flyers, allowing small local businesses to showcase their products and promotions in a more practical, efficient, and eco-friendly way.

React.jsTypeScriptPostgreSQLAxiosFastifyPrismaZODViteTailwind CSSEslintPrettierCloudinary
Programmer illustration

Digital Store

A digital e-commerce where I applied and learned the concepts and use of React hooks, including useEffect, useMemo, as well as techniques for sorting arrays and using useContext to manage global states, providing a more dynamic and efficient experience.

React.jsTypeScriptAxiosFastifyPostgreSQLPrismaZODViteTailwind CSSEslintPrettierFramer MotionSwiperReact IconsSQLite
Programmer illustration


Vollmed is a REST API for a fictional medical clinic. This project encompasses concepts such as database migrations, exception handling, authentication using JWT, request filtering, custom validations, and documentation with Swagger.

JavaSpringPostgreSQLJSON Web TokenSwagger
Programmer illustration
Landing Page


Page designed to promote a digital service that transforms memories into keepsakes. I implemented user authentication and managed login and registration routes, using Local Storage to store information.

React.jsTypeScriptFastifyPrismaMongoDBJSON Web TokenZODTailwind CSSEslintPrettierFramer MotionLucide Icon
Programmer illustration


A program developed with Electron that allows the registration, listing, and searching of clients. I used React Query to fetch data from the database, streamlining the process of searching, caching, and synchronizing the information.

React.jsTypeScriptElectronPostgreSQLJavaSpringReact QueryViteStyled ComponentsEslintPrettierReact Icons