The prototype of a sustainable digital solution to replace printed flyers, allowing small local businesses to showcase their products and promotions in a more practical, efficient, and eco-friendly way.
A digital e-commerce where I applied and learned the concepts and use of React hooks, including useEffect, useMemo, as well as techniques for sorting arrays and using useContext to manage global states, providing a more dynamic and efficient experience.
Vollmed is a REST API for a fictional medical clinic. This project encompasses concepts such as database migrations, exception handling, authentication using JWT, request filtering, custom validations, and documentation with Swagger.
Page designed to promote a digital service that transforms memories into keepsakes. I implemented user authentication and managed login and registration routes, using Local Storage to store information.
A program developed with Electron that allows the registration, listing, and searching of clients. I used React Query to fetch data from the database, streamlining the process of searching, caching, and synchronizing the information.